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Hand spinning opens up endless possibilities to experiment with colours and textures to make your own unique yarn. 

Hand Spinning

This course will introduce you to the ancient tradition of hand spinning.

You will work with alpaca fibre, a beautifully soft, strong natural fibre that makes wonderful yarn for either knitting or weaving. 

You will learn how to assess a good alpaca fleece and the correct carding technique to suit the fleece and type of yarn you want to produce.

Alpaca fleece is a lovely fibre to work with, we breed for colour and fineness in our herd and have many varied fleeces for you to choose from.

Kurt the Yurt

We work next to the alpaca fields in the relaxed atmosphere of my fondly named 'Kurt the Yurt', a traditional Mongolian yurt which lends itself naturally to this relaxing craft.

I have spinning wheels which you are welcome to use but if you have your own wheel please do bring it with you if possible as we all get to know the idiosyncrasies of our own wheels!


We have been breeding alpacas in Norfolk for many years and normally have anywhere between 35 and 45 on the farm.
Alpacas are naturally shy but equally inquisitive and will be more than happy to meander over to say hello for a carrot or two! 
You are often able to meet the original owner of the fleece you are working with and see the complete transition from alpaca to yarn.


The day runs from 10am - 4pm and you are welcome to take breaks as you wish.
Tea, coffee and herbal teas are available in the yurt and I provide a simple vegetarian soup for lunch. 
Classes are limited to 3 students, making this course excellent for beginners as each student is able to access any guidance they may need. 

2025 Course Dates

15th February
29th April 

10th June 
19th October

£105 per person

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